Sperm has now been now found to "persuade" a woman's immune system to accept an embryo, in a new and exciting 2021 study that has been amazingly bought to our attention by @larabriden.

Now is the time to get your man on board and right with you on your fertility journey!
We are now talking about sperm affecting a healthy pregnancy and the woman's immune system function and there is a lot more to it than sperm and egg parameters and tracking ovulation.
If your man is actively undertaking a joint treatment plan with you, yay!
If not, how about now may be time for the conversation, and if he speaks to analytics, evidence, or research here it is!
If you would like to book a free phone call with me to discuss your struggles and my couples fertility program, follow the link on my website or in my Insta Bio or here
Big thanks to @larabriden for sharing the following article that was originally published on her sister site, Freethink.
New research suggests that sperm play a bigger role in pregnancy than previously believed, not only fertilizing the egg, but also "persuading" the female body to accept it.
Revisiting sex ed: Human reproduction typically starts with sperm traveling via seminal fluid to an egg and fertilizing it. That creates a zygote, which can then attach to the wall of the uterus and begin the process of developing into a baby.
Implantation isn't a given, though. The woman's immune system may reject the fertilized egg as something "foreign" and prevent her from becoming pregnant.
Persuasive swimmers: Past research has shown that seminal fluid contains proteins that dampen this immune response, encouraging the woman's body to accept the zygote and the pregnancy.
Now, researchers at the University of Adelaide have discovered that sperm send their own signals designed to persuade the woman's body.
"This overturns our current understanding of what sperm are capable of," project leader Sarah Robertson said in a press release. "They are not just carriers of genetic material, but also agents for convincing the female to invest reproductive resources with that male."
The study: For a new study, female mice were mated with males who produced sperm and males who'd been vasectomized (meaning they produced seminal fluid without sperm).
Based on changes in the expression of different genes in the females' uteruses, the researchers determined that the sperm-producing mice prompted a stronger immune tolerance in their mates than the vasectomized rodents.
By introducing male sperm to female cells in the lab, the researchers were able to confirm that the sperm was directly responsible for the changes.
Why it matters: Infertility is a common issue, affecting tens of millions of couples across the globe, and problems such as recurrent miscarriage, preeclampsia, and stillbirth have all been linked to the female immune response during reproduction.
Now that we know that sperm can affect that immune response, researchers may be able to identify new ways to treat infertility — potentially helping some couples conceive and give birth to healthy babies.
Briden, L. (2021, June 6). Lara Briden. Retrieved from Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/larabriden/?hl=en
Houser, K. (2021, May 30). Big Think. Retrieved from Sperm may play a bigger role in pregnancy than we thought: https://bigthink.com/surprising-science/sperm-bigger-role-pregnancy
Schjenken, J., Sharkey, D., Green, E., Chan, H., Matias, R., & Moldenhaur, L. (2021). Sperm modulate uterine immune parameters relevant to embryo implantation and reproductive success in mice. Communications Biology, 4(572). doi:https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-021-02038-9